Nail fungus (or onychomycosis) is a disease that, according to recent data, affects every fifth person in the world. The treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies, as well as the prevention of this disease, are very urgent matters, since it can be infected quite easily - for example, just by walking along the beach, the pool, in a bathroom barefoot or trying on someone. other people's shoes, as well as through unsterilized pedicure equipment in the salon. But you can quickly get rid of nail fungus only at the beginning of the development of the disease. An advanced fungus will require treatment, which may last several months and will be accompanied by the mandatory prescription of special medicinal drugs, that is, carried out using traditional methods.
Folk remedies for nail fungus, unlike chemical agents to fight nail fungus, are practically non-toxic and have no effect on the patient's body.

Some types of nail fungus
- Hypertrophic.It is characterized by a change in the color of the nail plate, loss of shine, thickening of the nail and its deformation. The edges of the plate may be subject to destruction. Most often, the thumb is the first to be involved in the process.
- Normotrophic.In this case, the color of the nail also changes, areas in the form of spots and dark lines appear, however, the thickness of the plate remains the same and its shine is preserved.
- Onycholithic(another name is atrophic). This variety is characterized by detachment of the affected areas of the nail plate, up to its complete loss.
- Deleted.It is characterized by the skin of the skin of the fingers, there is practically no pain.
- Intertriginousa type of foot fungus that is characterized by severe pain. The patient develops skin rashes on the feet, especially between the toes, followed by the skin.

Why does it appear?
For the development of the disease, not only the contact itself is necessary, but also certain conditions. Infection occurs through contact and household methods, mainly due to violation of the general principles of compliance with hygiene standards. An infected person and his personal belongings (as well as objects in public places with which he has come into contact) are potentially dangerous in terms of the possibility of transmission of toenail fungus. The disease develops quickly in people with reduced immunity, as well as in those who neglect personal hygiene and in the presence of a number of other provoking factors. Shoes, towels, washcloths, socks, floors in common showers, and even sand on the beach can become a source of infection, but it is not necessary for the person to actually become ill. Fungus on the nails can be transmitted through the railing in transport, money, door handles - however, people suffer from this less often, simply because their hands are washed more often and the skin of the hands does not rot.
In what cases does the fungus develop?
- Various forms of reducing the protective properties of the immune system;
- Damage to the nail bed, nails, foot skin;
- The habit of wearing uncomfortable, closed and inappropriately sized shoes made of poorly breathable material;
- wearing someone else's shoes;
- Violation of the circulatory system, especially in the lower extremities;
- Increased sweating;
- Increased humidity and temperature;
- Overweight;
- Diabetes;
- Phlebeurism.

Traditional methods of treatment
So, what folk remedies can cure nail fungus?
Toenail fungus has high adaptive properties and exceptional vitality. For example, fungal spores inside shoes can remain viable for up to four years and can infect humans. Effective, although sometimes long-term, treatment with folk remedies at home for this disease is an alternative option to get rid of nail fungus, or it can be used as an additional method to traditional drug therapy.
Advice! A toenail affected by onychomycosis can be cured only if the treatment process is properly organized.
General rules:
- Use disposable files for processing or disinfect metal files after use.
- Before treatment, the nail should be steamed, trimmed and the affected parts removed with a file.
- All products are applied to the affected areas of the skin and nails, including healthy tissues.
- Socks and bandages should be disinfected by boiling them in water and soda.
- Once every few days, the bed linen should be washed in a machine at a temperature of 70-90 degrees.
Folk recipes against nail fungus:
- Iodine.Every pharmacy always has a 5% iodine solution in stock. Reviews on the Internet say that it is quite possible to remove mushrooms using this method. Every day, iodine is applied to the affected areas twice - in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. The procedure is repeated until a healthy nail grows. The best results can be achieved in the initial stage of the disease.
Note! If you think that your skin is still affected by mold after iodine treatment, you may be mistaken, as its condition can be accompanied by chemical burns. Use the cream to accelerate the restoration of the epidermis. It is recommended to undergo a control culture at the end of treatment for fungi by a dermatologist or mycologist. - Garlic.Prepare your nails according to the instructions above. Grind garlic into a paste and apply it in the form of a cake on the affected dry area. Then put on a finger guard or a secure bandage. These garments are left overnight and washed with soap and water in the morning. The course lasts until the symptoms disappear; Bandages are applied every two days.
- Onions.Onions are grated and the juice released is applied to the affected area. It is not necessary to rinse the product.
- Onion peel.Another way to cure fungus involves using an oil infusion from onion skins. 2 tablespoons. spoons of crushed dry raw materials are poured into 3 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid cooking oil. The infusion is kept for 25 days, periodically shaking the container and applied to the affected areas of the legs. The treatment is applied 3 times a day until recovery.
- Celandine.For some reason, there is practically no information on the forums about how to treat nail fungus with celandine. But this is a very good drug, used successfully for more than a century. A freshly picked plant secretes orange juice from the damaged area, which is applied to all affected parts of the leg, including healthy tissue. The procedure should be repeated with an interval of 3-4 minutes. four times in a row and twice a day - in the evening and in the morning. Within 30 days you will definitely see a positive result.
- Potassium permanganate.The night after steaming, wipe the legs with gauze or a cloth soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate in the areas where the fungus lives.
- Medical alcohol.A cotton swab moistened with alcohol is applied to the affected areas and between the fingers for 15-20 minutes twice a day for 14 days.
- Sea salt.Baths with a concentration of 100 grams of salt per 100 ml of water are recommended. The course is 20 days.
- Radish.The radish tops are dried and ground into powder. You can use it often, pouring it into socks, shoes and spraying the affected areas.
Important! Socks should be cotton and changed daily. - Treatment with vinegar and eggs.A raw chicken egg is poured into 100 ml. 9% vinegar essence and put in a dark place until the peel dissolves. After that, the film is removed from the egg and mixed with 200 g. melted butter. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected parts of the leg and wrapped in cling film or a plastic bag. Leave it overnight. The course is usually 3 weeks.
Note! Do not be afraid of the appearance of an itching sensation, it will go away on its own over time. - Clay.Medicinal pharmaceutical clay is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to the affected areas in a thick layer. They wrap it with linen cloth and without letting the clay dry completely, they remove it after a while. Skin and nails are washed with water and rubbed with lemon juice or citric acid solution. The procedure is repeated three times a day.
- Coffee.Six st. spoons of ground natural coffee are poured into a liter of boiling water and brought to such a temperature that you can put your feet in the water. The session should last about 35 minutes and be done before bedtime. In the morning, it is recommended to rinse your feet with fresh water.
- Propolis.Among the best methods for treating foot fungus with folk remedies, pharmaceutical alcohol or homemade propolis tincture is rightfully considered one of the most effective. Treatment by applying tincture to the affected areas, although long-term, is very effective.
Important! Prohibited for use by nursing and pregnant patients! - Soap and birch tar.In the evening before going to bed, steam your feet and scrub them with a (not stiff) washcloth for 20 minutes or less in soapy water. Rough areas of the skin and affected parts of the nail are cut, the feet are wiped and an emollient cream is applied. Then in the morning the feet are rinsed with cold water and birch tar is applied to the affected areas and cotton socks are worn, which are worn for 2 days. The tar is then washed off with soap (tar or laundry soap) and the tar is reapplied for two days. A week later, the short course is repeated.

In order for the procedures to have the desired effect, a number of requirements must be met:
- Wash your feet twice a day - in the morning and before going to bed - with tar soap. It provides not only disinfection, but also relieves discomfort in the early stages of the disease.
- Shoes should be washed not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
- Shoes should be periodically treated with antifungal drugs.
- It is recommended to wear shoes made of natural breathable materials.
- Excessive sweating should be avoided by wearing shoes and socks suitable for the season.
- You cannot visit beaches, saunas, swimming pools and spas during the period of illness.
- Under no circumstances should you use other people's hygiene products and shoes.
- You cannot walk in incredible places without shoes or generally "guest" slippers.
- Socks should be changed at least twice a day.
- After a pedicure, you should thoroughly disinfect the tools and equipment.